What are some effective strategies for portion control during weight loss


Effective strategies for portion control during weight loss include:

1. Use smaller plates and bowls: Downsizing your dishware can naturally limit the amount of food you serve yourself.


2. Measure portions: Use measuring cups, spoons, or a food scale to accurately portion out servings, especially for calorie-dense foods like nuts, oils, and grains.


3. Follow serving size recommendations: Pay attention to serving sizes listed on food packaging and stick to them.


4. Fill half your plate with vegetables: Load up on non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, peppers, and carrots to add volume to your meals without significantly increasing calories.


5. Practice mindful eating: Slow down and savor each bite, paying attention to hunger and fullness cues. Avoid distractions like TV or smartphones while eating.


6. Plan and prep meals: Preparing meals and snacks in advance can help you control portion sizes and avoid impulsive eating.


7. Avoid eating directly from packages: Instead of eating straight from a bag or box, portion out a serving onto a plate or bowl to prevent mindless overeating.


8. Limit liquid calories: Be mindful of calorie-containing beverages like soda, juice, and alcohol, as they can contribute to excess calorie intake. Opt for water, herbal tea, or other low-calorie options.


9. Practice the plate method: Divide your plate into sections, with half filled with vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and a quarter with whole grains or starchy vegetables.


10. Use visual cues: Familiarize yourself with portion sizes using visual cues like the size of your palm, fist, or a deck of cards to estimate appropriate portions.


11. Eat protein with each meal: Including a source of protein with meals can help increase satiety and reduce overall calorie intake.


12. Listen to your body: Stop eating when you feel satisfied, even if there's still food on your plate. Avoid the urge to clean your plate out of habit.


13. Keep track of your intake: Use a food diary or tracking app to monitor your portion sizes and calorie intake, helping you stay accountable and aware of your eating habits.


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